
Best pictures of TT 2006 ?
Please send your
pictures of the Rallye in medium resolution (640x960 would be enough)
as ZIP-file to the Treffen email adress (click on the envelope down on
the bottom of this page). Or send a CD. You can get my street address
via email, if you wish.
The photographers
of the best three pictures get a blank invitation for the 2007 rallye,
plus all stickers free. The pictures may be used for the Tauerntreffen
invitation and website.
Thanks in advance!

2004 Story and TT 2005 Story
are online, but only in German.
you can still order stickers and patches]
...Just pick
your products, and send me an email.
of participants (mostly drivers)]
a picture, you can see in the properties the whereabouts of the data (name
of the guy who sent it to me).
pictures are property of the senders, and must not be used elsewhere without
written permission.

Although I am
one of the organizers of the event, I will write this story from the view
of a participant - because having as much fun as the others is our main
goal on the Rallye.

Thursday |


Attention - avalanches
may occur here ...

Fritz brought
some firewood with his Landrover - we just have to provide the transport
down to our little camp site.

Shortly before the Rallye, I complete my MZ. The brand new, remoulded
tires (made by Immler)
have found their destination on my newly made wheels (front and rear),
a gear problem was resolved, same with the electrics. Nearly no time for
a test drive, same with packing all the stuff.
So, six hours too late, I arrive at Uwes house (who is also part of the
Tauerntreffen Organization Team) - after coping with flat tires for three
times on my way. Seeing the little cuts on the side walls of the tube,
I think I had damaged it during the mounting procedure.
In the end I find out what happened: when mounting the tire at home, one
of the rim protectors slipped into the tire, and began its disastrous

An on we go, directly approaching the southern ramp of the Triebener Tauern,
Staudachers Snow Chains at Hetzendorf - the family run enterprise
doing a wunderful job in producing motorcycle snow chains. Finally, we
are introduced to Hubert and his wife, personally - which was really nice,
having coffee and cake togehther.
So I ask you a favour
- if one of you has Staudacher chains, just drop them a line from some
special occasions, maybe attach a picture - and be sure they will appreciate
it very much!
Hubert is over 70
years old, still making his patented snow chains - because people ask
for them, and he likes that. His wife does the management including finances.

Much too late we continue, and in Hohentauern we finally have reached
snow road country. After a little talk with the toll collector (it is
a private road) we drive up to the hut. Just like that, without snow chains,
for the first time. The snow road provides good grip, and the new tires
are marvellous, even coping with the very heavy sidecar.

Surprise - half of the parking lot is filled with motorcycles and tents!
We are glad that "our" place - just by the driveway up to the
hut - is still free. This may have something to do with the ghastly wind
causing some snow drifts there ...
Our neighbour Peter could not find his petrol stove the next day - and
finally found it after digging one meter deep in the newly formed snow
drift next to his tent.
It has just minus
10 degrees celsius, but feels a lot colder. After building our tent, we
drive up and have a warm meal with cold beer.


Friday |

Missed that one ...

Ludwigs special chain

Uwe with his sidekick Iwan (left)

Erich also takes a ride and is speechless

The first night is a deseaster. Having frozen when building the tent,
and seeing a clear sky, we prepare for a really COLD night - and sleep
much too warm.

In the morning: it is windy and cold outside. Everything takes three times
longer than normal - although my boots are not frozen this time; I had
put them in a plastic bag inside the tent.

Time for a good look around, and some talks.
We take to the hut for the morning coffee, before getting busy.

Uwes fireplace must be made ready for action (it is made from an old washing
maschine drum), and we need a wind shelter in order to have our cheese
fondue, scheduled for todays evening.

We can borrow some wooden sticks, and with a tarp, some luggage straps
and Atzes avalanche shovel, we make a first class shelter.

The AIA-living
room and kitchen

A snow storm on wheels !

Alex, this year on his Ossa. The little spanish two stroke engine is powerful,
and two snow chains by Hubert
Staudacher provide controllable drifts on snow and asphalt

At 3 pm sharp,
we start at the camp site, and - aside from a few kilometers on the main
road - we drive entirely on snow roads to the very end of the Trieben
valley (approximately 20 km) to another hut.
Having a cold drink there, we happily welcome Albert, Koarl and Olli (Enfield,
Jawa and Ural) coming up from Trieben.

Together, we are driving
back up to Hohentauern, where the little Grocer's shop is nearly to small
for all of us. Some special ingredients for our fondue cannot be found
there, so Uwe, Riege and me drive down to Trieben again and back, testing
the old road byway for tomorrows rides.
We are optimistic
- the machines are running smooth, the snow is fine, and our solo driver
Matthias showed his ability to ride the snow even without a third wheel
- and without spikes or chains.

Afternoon ride to the Bergerhubn hut. |

Thomas' Snow Grip
made of stainless steel
To the right, the
infrastrucure on the parking lot:
- Info board for
the trips
- Uwes AIA-banner ("the nappy")
- public urinal recess

Thomas from Lübeck/Germany
was less lucky - the motocross tire was not very good on snow (less than
Matthias' old Pneumant tire), his BMW 650 was way too powerful and heavy,
and his self made snow grips cut their belts loose after 2 km. So he had
to push his bike the rest of the way up to the site - 3 (three) kilometres
alone in the dark forest !!!!

Günther from
Vienna had it better: His rear tire did not leave any room for chains,
so he hitched his way up on a vacant sidecar and left his XT500 at the
toll hut. Anyway, he was great fun, and we would have missed him otherwise
- and he was a light passenger .


Günther from
Vienna came on short notice - he phoned me on the day before the meeting

Sepps dorm -
Bavarians are a tough breed  |

On their way
to the meeting: roadside camp near Trieben

Ians comfortable home
- we liked his style |

Cheese fondue time!
It was delicious, with some burnt pieces in it ...

Uwes fondue spit,
and mulled must (wine) on the rocks ...

Thöny and her
ES 250/2 MZ, this years' only female driver and definitely on our list
of heroes for 2006: it is her first sidecar, and owning and repairing
it since summer, she accumulated maybe 300 km of three wheel driving experience
before driving to the Tauerntreffen - from Stuttgart and back!

Handling the
washer drum oven requires a sure hand, controlling the brake cleaning spray.
Uwe can do that. DO NOT TRY THAT AT HOME!

First tent oven
prototype, without tent so far ...

We REALLY wanted to
go to bed early, knowing we have to get up early the next day. Thöny
und Achim sabotaged that. Their call for help reached us around eleven,
saying: "Got lost and are stuck in the snow". The AIA rescue
command starts within minutes, being quite exhilarated.
Not twenty minutes later, we are on the spot. Taking the wrong turnoff,
they drove down to the old mine and were not able to get back up again.

The tools can stay packed, it is just a matter of pushing the bikes uphill.
Thönys MZ is weak, unfortunately (the exhaust is loose - never a
good idea on a two stroke engine), and the gears are too long, so it has
to be pushed up to the hut another four or five times.
Achims Moto
Guzzi is really heavy, and sucks our blood sugar reservoirs dry.
With a pulse of 200
beats per minute, and completely drenched in our own sweat, we sit down
in the hut to dry, while the motorcycle clothing is drip-drying in the

Around 2:30 am we can finally go to bed, just four hours before the wake-up
call for the saturday ride. Oh man ...


[ 1 ] [
2 ] [ 3 ] [the
TT-Start page]
If you find something wrong here or want to add something, please email
me. THX, motorang