Alex in action: click to load video (2MB)

Andreas in winter 2005


You might have noticed
our logo somewhere on a badge, T-shirt or sticker, and now your research
has led you here?
Anyway - here is the
summary of what that AIA fuzz is all
AIA is short for "Alteisentreiber
Interessensgemeinschaft Austria", meaning roughly "pool
of drivers of old motorcycles in Austria".
Which in German
is a pun, as "Alteisen" means "scrap metal"
as well as it is slang for "old motorcycle". The attitude
of driving old bikes - no matter which type or make - under everyday conditions
is our collective insanity, ehmmm hobby.
We are quite normal
people, if we are to ourselves ...
Our statutes are simple
yet powerful. In short:
- Drive a motorcycle
or more, that is 20 years or older (or of Russian make, or from any
other former eastern block or third world country).
- Be the mechanic of
the bike, and have the necessary spares and tools on board (e.g. wire,
tape, pliers, ...). Always.
- Have the bike in
swift everyday use.
- Welcome gravel road
and snowy surfaces as some of the standard operating conditions.
- Show no traditional
"bikers" behaviour (includes tatooing, excessive beer drinking,
sexistic jokes etc). AIA members
are polite, quiet and intelligent people with just a strange attitude.
The accomplishment of their self set goals is more important to them,
than trying to convince others of their rightousness.
- Live in Austria,
and have a member suggesting you. It helps, if you can name a few heroic
deeds, or have taken part in one of the AIA
- Do good, and talk
about it. There are so many people NOT knowing by now who AIA
is ...
- When camping, drink
your coffee or tea from a sooty mug, and brew your poison on a petrol
fuelled stove.
- Help other AIA
members, as far as possible. With tools, spares, a haul, a lift, a place
to sleep, food, a good advice ...
- Being on a trip,
camp. Or sleep without a tent. Let the stars be your roof. Build your
camp fire with just one match (and a certain amount of flammable liquid
- Use the internet
wisely, to contact other AIA members, or just enjoy the community, namely
on the AIA internet
If you want to join,
send your request to the email address provided on the bottom, by clicking
the yellow envelope.
consider the following: Your text or parts thereof may be quoted publicly
in the forum or one of the AIA web pages
Membership is completely
free, and just for our enjoyment.
For congenial drivers around the world, there is always the possibility
of becoming honorary member.
Sponsors and private
donations are most welcome. Maybe you have a special giveaway for our
Rallye raffles, or just won in the lottery?
Contact us! 
Remember - we are the good guys. Your gifts will be used for poor AIA
members, or for this website, or some Rallye stuff to replace etc.
If not,
you can always get merchandizing stuff here: [Stickers]
Andreas (motorang)

organizes two quality motorcycle rallyes:
for not translating all the other pages, but if you want to know something
special, I will be glad to help. Just send me an E-Mail.