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NEWS for 2024 edition
- New Leaseholders Stefan and Eva at Edelrautehuette Inn!
We tested friendlyness, food and drinks and are happy with it :-)
Check out their new home page here > www.edelrautehuette.at
You can pay per card now, and use their WIFI.
We heard rumors that their may be a sauna and hot tub available :-)
- Our former leaseholders now run a guest house in Trieben and sell some typical drinks there as well:
Doris and Bernd > connect via the old homepage edelrautehuette.com
Doris Huber, Sonnberg 103, 8784 Trieben, phone +43 664 9171910
to stay over night, or buy local Zirben products.
- A new digital toll system is installed: Pay for your arrival day and get your free toll pass for the whole Tauerntreffen duration when checking in at Edelrautehuette Inn!
Toll payment on site is only possible by card, and you have to select "PKW" as vehicle which is 8 Euro for 24 hours.
After having paid for toll road access the Edelraute leaseholder can print out a QR code to use for the rest of your stay > https://hohentauern.arivo.app/ (Choose german or english language via the flag icon, and select "Hohentauern Mautstraße - Einspurige KFZ)
- After a decade we had to adjust our Tauerntreffen fees a bit:
- to be payed on site per envelope at Edelrautehuette Inn, for overnight stay only (day guests are free but a donation is welcome)
- 10 Euro for stay at Edelraute Inn including unheated workshop dormitory
- 20 Euro for camping
The fee is to be payed once for the whole duration of the Tauerntreffen, and applies to passengers as well.
- Latest News are available in the forum
- List access to see the status of your invite/registration needs username and password, which you will find in every TT email.
That's it for the news.
Remember to use the new access road from Hohentauern (400m west of the old one from Hohentauern central parking, since 2020).
Ride safe!
Find detailed info below, mainly for newcomers or re-joiners :-)
00 The List - Explained
The List is is our central tool for:
- TT Newsletter for those registered
- Reservation for overnight stay (Registration required)
WeI try to keep the list link current and the same over the years. The list date is imprinted on every top of the page.
It is read-only - please email us (including your full name) if you feel something is wrong > Contact
An here is how to read the list, examples:
- Last name is shortened to 4 letters for privacy.
- First name is kept as is.
- Reservation is only stated as camping or Edelraute. Day guests are not accounted for.
- We will mark e-Mail problems (mailbox full etc) and no answers.
- We will keep track of requests to stay on the list for next years invitation - or not.
Please check all entries YOU got e-mail for.
There is only ONE e-mail address per person.
You may get e-mails for several riders in your group, if they are registered on your e-mail address.
The name of the participant is in every e-mail.
Please answer each e-mail individually so that I can assign the answers.
Bed reservations:
arrival day from 4 pm on -
departure day until 11 am
Some beds are booked for one night by one person, and the following two nights somebody else needs that bed.
Therefore also the dormitory beds have numbers. And it is vital to check-in at the bar on arrival!
How To Get a Bed
The Edelraute team will have live access to the list.
Everybody invited may book a bed via E-Mail or Phone, as stated in your e-mail.
- 1st round: TT organization team
- 2nd round: AiA members (which is our motorcycle "club"
- 3rd round: everybody else.
01 How to Get There
See map at the bottom of the page
Coming via Salzburg, we recommend using the national roads through the Salzkammergut. The distance is shorter, the landscape better, and the federal road is really nice.
Salzburg - B158 - Bad Ischl - B145 - Pötschenhöhe (993 m) - Stainach - Liezen - Rottenmann - national road B113 oder Autobahn A9 to Trieben.
Target address for navigation is the roundabout where the road to Hohentauern starts:
8784 Trieben, Triebener Bundesstraße 5 (A)
Continue along the B114 to Hohentauern.
Target address for navigation:
8785 Hohentauern, Hohentauern 10 (B) (Grocery store and ATM nearby)
Attention: since 2020 there is a new access road from Hohentauern. The old road is closed!
Turnoff point to Edelraute (C) is 400m in direction Judenburg (follow the green sign)

Continue 400m in direction to Judenburg to reach the signposted turnoff to Edelrautehütte
Target address for navigation: N 47.432554, E 14.475689 (Google maps) (Route to there )
The new access road may not yet be available in GoogleMaps, OSM or Garmin. Because it is new.
There is a snow chain sign, but by law this applies to cars only, not to motorcyckes or sidecars.
However, if you are on a solo bike and there is snow on the road, this is a good spot to mount them!

Follow the signs to "Edelraute" downhill to the start of the toll road.
You pass a little lake with a restaurant and a wooden bridge (D), and then the toll road starts.
Naviadresse: N 47.435354, E 14.460103 (Google maps) (Route to there )
At the toll barrier there will be card payment only.
After about 5 km you reach the car park where we camp, and after another 800 m or so you are at Edelraute Inn. Riding up there is allowed for TT participants!
We may have a traffic light installed if there is much snow, so we have to make a one-way system if the road is too narrow. Not every navigation system knows the Edelraute address:
8785 Hohentauern, Hohentauern 65
8785 Hohentauern, Edelrautestraße 5 (E).
Autobahn Toll Sticker
Using Austrian motorways is not free of charge. The so called "Autobahn" and some other high-ranking roads may only be used with a valid toll sticker, which can be obtained at the border (recommended) or big petrol stations. You need a "10-Tages-Vignette für Motorräder", which is valid for 10 days.
In winter time it is sometimes hard to get the stickers for motorcycles AND 10 days - check big petrol stations on main roads.
It is worth it, if only for not getting lost in Salzburg city!
For sidecar cycles, you only need to have a normal motorcycle sticker !!!
You can find additional info about tolls on the ASFiNAG web pages.
Other Traffic Rules:
- Motorbikes with and without sidecars have to carry a first-aid pack.
- For sidecars, you need to have an emergency breakdown triangle.
- Driver needs to have a safety vest on board (can be bought at bigger petrol stations etc).
- Kids in sidecars are only allowed from a minimum age of 12 years. If they are younger, the sidecar has to be equipped with a child car seat and a roll-over bar.
- You have to wear a crash helmet on every seat of the bike or sidecar
. |
02 Shopping and Fuel
You will find fuel stations down in the valley only, in Hohentauern there is no fuel available.
8785 Hohentauern:
- ATM next to the post office at Hohentauern Center, Tauernstraße 15.
- Groceries and Tobacco store in Hohentauern.
Get your daily goods there, no need to ride to Trieben. The store is near the church.
Nah und Frisch
Tauernstrasse 16, 8785 Hohentauern
Monday - Friday 8-12 and 15-18
Saturday 8-12
Phone. +43 361 8203

- Taxi Kandler, Tauernstrasse 8, +43 3618 206, +43 664 3122333
8784 Trieben:
- Fill up at the Trieben fuel station (at motorway exit, expensive), free WIFI
- Supermarkets BILLA and SPAR are between motorway exit and Trieben center..
- There is an excellent little hardware store in Trieben:
Eisenwarenhandel Hernwerther
Wolfsgrabenstrasse 1, 8784 Trieben
+43 36152204 www.herwerthner.com
- Pharmacy: Apotheke zur Heiligen Barbara, Marktgasse 3, 8784 Trieben
+43 3615 23930
Mon - Fri 08-12 and 14:30–18:00, Sat 08:00–12:00
Next pharmacy Night- and Emergency service
8940 Liezen:
- Technical stuff (automotive parts) and hardware stores (baumax, Quester) and fuel stations can be found in Liezen
- Forstinger Auto and Motorcycle Parts
Gesäuse Bundesstraße 26, 8940 Liezen
+43 3612 24351
Mon to Fri 08:00–18:00, Sat 08:00–17:00
8786 Rottenmann:
- SHELL, Bundesstraße 1, 8786 Rottenmann
This is the fuel station we recommend, at the Autobahn exit.
Normal price level, and a nice ride to Trieben on the federal road.
- Lenz Motorcycles (KTM)
Hauptstrasse 24a, 8786 Rottenmann
+43 3614 28 39
Mo-Fr 08-12 and 14-18 , Sat 08-12
info@2radlenz.at www.2radlenz.at
- Peugeot Brandstätter
St. Georgen 53, 8786 Rottenmann
+43 3614 2342
Mo-Do: 07:45-12:00 13:00-16:45
Fr: 07:45-12:00 13:00-16:15
Tauern South side:
8763 Möderbrugg
- SPAR Supermarket, Hauptstraße 7, 8763 Möderbrugg
- ATM nearby SPAR (Raiffeisen)
- Fuel and Technical parts at Sprint - Landforst, Hauptstrasse 54,
8763 Möderbrugg
- Workshop: Gerhard Horn
Peugeot, 4WD Workshop
Mo-Fr 08:00-12:00 and 13:00-18:00, Sat 09:00-12:00
8765 St. Johann am Tauern
8753 Fohnsdorf
8724 Spielberg
- RIMATO Motorcycles
Poststrasse 18, 8724 Spielberg
www.rimato.at (Honda, Husquarna, Aprilia, Piaggio, Michelin)
8580 Köflach
03 Rooms in Hohentauern
Who needs a hotel or other accomodation away from the TT may check these addresses:
Close to the TT toll road (D), distance to TT about 5 km:
Pension Horn-Ritzinger
Hohentauern, ca. 6-8 km:
Motorradhotel Alpenhotel Lanz (@booking.com)
Hotel Passhöhe (@booking.com)
Draxlerhaus (@booking.com)
Schizentrum Moscher (you also can rent wooden huts there)
Gasthof Brodjäger (begin Triebental) ca. 10 km
Gasthof Braun (halfway in Triebental) ca. 12 km
Bergerhube (end of Triebental) ca. 17 km
Trieben, ca. 16 km:
Triebener Hof (A) in Trieben at the 2nd roundabout coming from the motorway in direction to Hohentauern (this is where the road to Hohentauern starts)
Emergency Plan:
Who gets stranded can survive the night at the
BP service area and petrol station near motorway exit Trieben - they are open 24 hours and have WIFI but do not offer beds.
04 Organization and Emergencies
Andreas +43 664 6377148 and dreiradler@gmx.net
(at the meeting the signal is usually weak. So it is best to contact me via SMS or Whatsapp).
That is, if you have a breakdown getting up to the meeting.
If you have technical problems during your journey in Austria, phone +43 120 to contact the Automotive Associations (ÖAMTC, ARBÖ). Usually the membership card of your national AA will be accepted for first technical aid.
If you can not ride up the toll road due to bad winter equipment, please hire a local taxi:
- Taxi Kandler, Tauernstraße 8, +43 664 3122333
- Edelraute Inn (call in emergencies):
+43 3618 21014
We (Uwe and Andreas) will arrive on Thursday, and depart on Sunday in the early afternoon.
Our TT tent is about in the middle of the camp site.
Andreas (motorang) & Uwe

05 Riding up to the TT
Under normal conditions, you can not ride there without special winter equipment.
Having winter tires on your combinations, you may try without snow chains.
Solo motorcycles hardly manage without snow chains. Usually DIY solutions only hold up for a few 100m before they slip around on the tire or fall off or do some damage to the bike.
Ice screws are an attractive alternative for those who have knobbly tires and a battery-powered screwdriver. And enough clearence inside their fenders.
Siehe Schneeketten, Eisschrauben, Spikes.
The road surface is snow, and some ice, because it is used for sledging by the locals. No salt, no gravel.
Good sites for putting your chains on:
- Car park in Hohentauern (B)
47°25'57.2"N 14°28'32.5"E =
47.432554, 14.475689 (Google maps) (Route dorthin)
- Turnoff from national road to Edelraute (C). It will be downhill to the lake from there.
- Car park at wooden bridge at the lake, before the toll road (D). From there it will be all uphill, getting more difficult when you go further up.
Please do NOT put your chains on while on the toll road - it is narrow and steep, and there will be situations with other riders wanting to pass you.
You may enquire about general road conditions for your travels at the Austrian Automotive Organization ÖAMTC.
The Webcams Skilift Hohentauern show a skiing slope at 1300 m above sea level
(which is still 400 meters below the meeting ...).
If you need to buy snow chains, Hubert Staudachers Schneeketten-Erzeugung is only 50 km away. This small family-run enterprise produces custom-made snow chains for all kinds of vehicles. They are situated near Judenburg.
06 Check-in On Site
You have a reservation?
Before you spend the night, be sure to check in with Edelraute at the bar.
In any case BEFORE you go to your room or dormitory or pitch your tent.
We MUST know that you are there!
If you haven't donated anything in advance, you can still do so directly at the meeting. We will have a box and envelopes on site so that we can allocate the donation. Please write your name on them.
Your donation covers our expenses.
Your donation also shows us that you were officially at the meeting, and you will automatically be contacted again for next time.
07 Edelraute - Information
Our Edelraute inn hosts as of 2024 are Stefan and Eva .
Reservation for beds during the rally is done exclusively via the Tauerntreffen team. Just contact me (Andreas).
For other Edelraute questions you may contact the inn directly.
(closed from end of October until Christmas )

- Edelraute main entrance (bar, check-in, restaurant)
- Edelraute side entrance (toilets, shower, drying room)
- Workshop building, unheated dormitory in the attic [Pic]
- Traffic lights
Please keep the turning area clear for the Edelraute car and trailer at all times (red arrow) ! Note: Cell phones only receive A1/Vodafone.
Mobile data is very slow or not available up there. But you can use their WIFI in the restaurant area.
Overnight prices are lower for Members of the Austrian Alpine Club (ÖAV) or associated clubs (DAV, ATC etc)
There is pricing info available at the website, I state a rough price per person/night below, which is without breakfast.
- Edelraute Dormitory (heated, 10 and 18 beds) [Pic] 27 Euro
Please bring cushion cover and sleeping bag liner. Room can not be locked.
- Rooms (2 - 5 beds) starting at 37 Euro
Rooms can be locked, if this is a group room leave the key at the bar preferrably. 2-bed-rooms are more costly.
- Workshop dormitory (not heated 19 beds) [Pic] 5 Euro
Bring your warm sleeping bag, the dorm is NOT heated and has outside temperature. It is not quiet there - the workshop may be used at any time.
Bed is booked:
Arrival from 4 pm on
Departure until 11 am
As a screenshot from Edelraute website per 2023-12:
(This is for non-members, 2-bed-room - multiple-bed-room - dormitory (heated)
adult 25y+, junior 18-25, youth 6-18, child 0-6)

Breakfast is to be ordered and paid seperately:
Pay your food and drinks right away, at the latest before you go to bed.
No smoking inside the inn (smoke alarms). Dogs are welcome.
Use of workshop:
Workshop use is possible for a donation (AiA):
Welder, battery charger, bench vice, soldering iron, blowtorch etc.
Any donation will be used to refinance the tools!
- Charging your devices is possible, just there may not too many sockets available.
We recommend bringing an extension cord with multi socket or a power bank.
- Dogs are welcome in the house and the rooms, but not in the dormitories.
- The upper levels (rooms and dorms) are not to be used with outdoor shoes, please bring slippers or extra socks.
- Bring a towel, there is a coin operated shower available.
- There is a drying room in the basement.
- Tap water is drinking water.
08 Campsite
We may camp from Thursday to Sunday only.
If you want to stay outside the TT times, please contact the Edelraute Inn, as the campsite will be a parking lot then.
You may want to stay for cheap in the workshop dormitory.
Bring a solid mountaineering tent, which can take some serious storm and snow drift as well. Do not bring glass fibre tent poles, use aluminium instead.
The ground will be something between "gravel, frozen" and "solid ice". To get your tent set up, go for an electric drill and some good screws, or massive steel pegs and a big hammer.
PLEASE mark your pegs/screws with colored rope or tape to find them ALL later (otherwise the snow plow will get damaged).
Do not bring your gear like huge tents, firewood, straw, stoves etc up to the camp site with an extra car.
Just bring what you can transport with your motorcycle, that has to be enough really.
We all have to fit there!
- No long guy ropes
- If you need to have your vehicle by the tent, park it close to the tent.
If not, park away from the tent area.
- Do not block/reserve tent space
Keep the space at the lower end of the parking area clear
AT ALL TIMES for turning vehicles like the snow plough or an ambulance!
Who builds his tent or parks his vehicle at the campsite, has to sleep there. Uninhabitated tents may caus a search and limit the space for the others.
So please: Who moves to the Edelraute, do INFORM US, PUT DOWN YOUR TENT AND PARK YOUR VEHICLE AT THE INN.
Don't worry, we'll be glad to help.
One year (2005) we had minus 24 degrees Celsius. If you do not have special winter stuff, double equipment (two mattresses and two sleeping bags) helps you too keep warm. Ususally it is around freezing point during the day, and -10 or -15 °C during the night.
Open big camp fires are NOT ALLOWED on the camp site. If you need that desparately, rather visit the Elefantentreffen.
You can warm up and dry your stuff at the Edelraute inn, you do not need to make a big fire for that.
Any petrol cooking stove is all right (while normal gas stoves may fail in cold temperatures - you need an Alpine one), and also wood powered stoves or barbecues are OK, as long as you leave no trace and the sparks don't damage tents.
Since we very nearly lost three guys in 2018 due to carbon monoxide poisoning, we are quite alert about this!
Only utilize stoves or heaters with their own chimney safely directing gases outside the tent. Make absolutely sure you have ventilation openings which can not be tightened by snow, and KILL THE FIRE COMPLETELY BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP.
Use your tent stove as documented, which means usually only by burning firewood - not coal. Even a cold stove may still emit carbon monoxide (see link below).
We advise you to tell your tent neighbours to look after you every once in a while when you run a stove. It may be a good investment to get and use a portable carbon monoxide alarm.
Do not use barbeques, fire bowls, lanterns in tents without a chimney. This is also true for catalytic petroleum or gas stoves. You can dry your clothes at the Edelraute Inn anytime. If you need to warm up desperately, do so in the Edelraute inn and ask for a warm emergency bed to sleep safely.
Carbon monoxide poisoning can severly damage your health and can kill you in no time.
http://www.bbc.com/news/health-33976414 - http://www.gooutdoors.co.uk/blog/dangers-carbon-monoxide-camping/
Also consider that a too small (low) tent may be covered with snow during the night which can cause suffocation!
You can buy Firewood at the Edelraute inn
- Don't bring glass-bottles - frozen shards are a pain!
- Don't collect wood in the forest.
Firewood is available at the Edelraute Inn, or bring it with you from the valley - many shops sell it.
- Always leave the site STORMPROOF!
- No unnecessary noise between midnight and 08:00 pm except patrol rides.
- Do not bring fan powered heaters or generators. While your tent is cosy, your neighbour has to cope with exhaust fumes and noise.
- Leave your music at home or use a headset. Taste in music does vary widely
- No fireworks (alpine alarm signal)
- Do not dig snow-holes!
(too dangerous to collapse)
- Do not ride on any side roads - just stay on the toll road. ALL side roads are prohibited for motorized traffic, and we do not want to get in trouble with the forest officials.
- Keep the road clear! Whatever you do, just keep the road clear. PLEASE.
- Take your garbage with you and leave it at petrol stations or shops where you buy your stuff.
Or you buy a big garbage bag including disposal for 5 Euro at the Edelraute, which can be left at the camp site.
- Please take the rest of your food and drinks with you. We are on motorbikes as you are and can not use your provisions or take them home.
We only collect leftover firewood and put it to good use next year.
- Please keep the snow white.
Use already existing niches for peeing and disposing of soup or drinks which we can cover up after the rally.
A mobile toilet is near the big tree at the camp site (see plan)
09 Miscellanious
Souvenirs: Patches, Stickers, Post Cards
You may buy Souvenirs at the bar, and also drop your post cards there.
Please take care of your valuables and leave no camera, phone or money in your tent or in the dorm.
We did not have any stealing issues yet and want to keep it like that.
Mark Your Items
We occasionally found that somebody took our Jacket or Helmet and left us his, just because we had very similar gear. So somebody takes your jacket with him to his room when going to sleep, and you are left with his (too small) jacket for the rest of your camping evening? It is better to mark your stuff, especially on common things like Kamik boots, A4 riding gear, heated helmets, gloves. With your name on that and telling the bar personnel this could be sorted out easily.
Friday Ride-Out
At noon we usually like to lunch at the Berger-Huabn (which is a genuine alpine pub).
If you want to go there as a group we suggest to meet at 12 noon on the parking lot of the ski lift near (B) but it is no guided tour, as it is easy to find:
Address: 8784 Triebental, Triebental 29
Go back whenever you like, there is no collective return ride.
Do your own Ride-Out
Suggestions including the Friday Bergerhube-Tour are available also as pdf here: ausfahrten.pdf
- Oppenberg panoramic road:
Ride in direction Liezen, then turn off left after Rottenmann to Oppenberg and have a coffee or hot meal at the Kirchenwirt there, near the church.
Gasthof Kirchenwirt, Oppenberg 12, 8786 Rottenmann
Continue on to Aigen, and maybe proceed to the fish restaurant Rieger at Trautenfels.
Then back via the B-road Aigen > Lassing > Selzthal > Rottenmann > Trieben.
- Along the train line to the Johnsbach valley
Direction Liezen, then Rottenmann > Selzthal train station. Follow the train line to Admont (helpful waypoint: Selzthal 236, 8900 Selzthal) then continue on in direction Hieflau. 10 km past Admont turn off right to the Johnsbachtal, and have lunch at the "Donnerwirt" inn, or a bit further at the "Kölblwirt" inn.
Gasthof Donner, Johnsbach 2, 8912 Johnsbach
Gasthof Kölbl, Johnsbach 65, 8912 Johnsbach
- Johnsbach valley via Admont directly:
Ride down to Admont. Turn right after the train crossing, and continue on in direction Hieflau. 10 km past Admont turn off right to the Johnsbachtal, and have lunch at the "Donnerwirt" inn, or a bit further at the "Kölblwirt" inn.
- For a visit at the snow chain manufacturer Staudacher, please find a fellow rider who is familiar with the Staudacher family or go there using your navigation device: 8753 Fohnsdorf, Judenburger Strasse 30b
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